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Editorial: Belmont's streets are sideways

The city of Belmont is currently feeling the wrath of the physical realm. As of late, it has come to the attention of the editorial board that Belmont’s streets, its symbolical winding roads and lush wildlife framed boulevards, are egregiously lopsided, far outstripping the national minimum for street levelness.


Published Fall 2018

Photo by Ben Balster

Biased reporting masks real news

The journalistic writing style is defined to be informative and objective, preaching only facts upon which readers may construct an opinion, so, obviously, good journalism (in non-opinion articles) should be as bi-partisan, as unbiased, and as detailed as possible.

However, as news sources struggled for business, journalists created Yellow Journalism and wrote articles that 

Published Winter 2017

Photo by Cath Lei

Networking advances job searches

“Prior experience required.” These are the words any new college graduate fears when looking for a job.

However, finding a job can be simpler through networking. Networking, by definition, is connecting with people in the same or similar fields. Through networks, a job application is supported by a trustworthy recommendation. 

Published Spring 2017

Photo by Ben Balster

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